170 - Robert Gumpert
© Robert Gumpert
Robert Gumpert is a California-based photographer with extensive international experience, documenting social issues and institutions, including service and industrial work, jails and the criminal justice system, and emergency rooms and paramedics. His collaborative Take A Picture/Tell a Story project in the San Francisco County jails. exchanges inmates’ portraits for their stories. He has also created abstract art from the textures and colors of the bridges, walls, highway supports and fallen leaves of London and San Francisco. Robert’s forthcoming book, Division Street, will be released by Dewi Lewis Publishing early in 2022.
On episode 170, Robert discusses, among other things:
Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
The geography of San Franciso
The history of the tech financial boom in S.F.
How he came to pursue the Division Street project
Quitting his long-term gig and having to relearn how to shoot
How his prison project, Take A Picture/Tell a Story came about
His interest in recording audio
Some of the stories he was told
Internet criticism
Website | Twitter | Division Street book
“It’s not that hard to get people’s trust. If you do what you say you’re gonna do, and you treat people like human beings, people are gonna trust you.”
This episode of the podcast is sponsored by the Charcoal Book Club - the latest and greatest photobooks, expertly curated and delivered to you door with free shipping and no hassles.
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